Elgabry Center For Herbs في مركز الجيزة | محلات الانترنت Elgabry Center For Herbs مركز الجيزة (مصر)

Elgabry Center For Herbs

+20 (2) 780-93-38


مصر,  الجيزة ,  مركز الجيزة,  58 tereet elzomor St. Eldraeeb Tower-Elomranaya

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Elgabry Center For Herbs

Elgabry center for herbs consists of many sections 1-Natural solutions for many diseases affect body system Face Area : acne, fadness and hardne Hair : hair falling, dandruff, less growing, Alopecia, Bladness andundesirable hair: Skin ; eczyma psoriases, Teania vercicolour, Teania pedis, skin cracking and hardness Respiratory system : Athna, chronic cough, sinusitis, rhinities , recurrent sore throat Digestive system : peptic and duodenal ulcer, spastic colone,mouth ulcer, piles, amoeba, worms, chronic diaharria and chronic constipation Skeltal and Bone system : Rhumatic arthritis, Rhumatoid, disc and plyneurities, gout Gentourinary : renal calculi, prostatic disorder, impotenince, oligospermia Circulatory system : Hyper tension, hyper cholestermia, varicases, anemia Whole body : obesity, weight loss, immunodiffiency Miscellaneous problems: Migrain, tumers scancer, memory loss, less concentration, diabetes control, smoking 2- Honey Section: Many types of honey (blackseed, clover, euclyptus, ziphaus) Also fresh products : Royal Jelly, Bee polless, proplis bees wax 3-All types of raw herbs and spices 4-Special Natural Products :Pure olive oil, fresh wheat germ, green tea, apple virager 5-Aromatherpy: Natural mixtures and their magic action 6-Perfumes : Many good perfumes We can make also a new products as per request of our Customers
المنتجات والخدمات
This researches has shown that: 1) Bee-pollen contains 22 amino acids including the 5 main amino acids that couldn't produced by the body and needed to carry out the vital functions and supplying the cells with energy, it also contains a wide range of various nutrients, mineral salts and about...
المجموعة: النشيطة بيولوجيا المضافة (هيئة المطارات البريطانية)
Royal Jelly
 Products of the bees are the gift of the God for the human specially the royal jelly (which is thick substance rich with dietary components, complicated proteins and vitamins as A, B, C, D, E and a lot of minerals, enzymes, hormones, 18 amino acids and also was extracted a principle [ 10-Hydroxy...
المجموعة: غذاء ملكي
Olive Oil
BENEFITS AND FUNCTIONS: Blood: Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, increases HDL levels. GLANDULAR: Allows the pancreas to function only when needed and reduces insulin requirements in diabetics. GASTROINTESTINAL: Olive oil is rich in oleic acid oils which creates a sensation of...
المجموعة: الزيوت النباتية


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